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hire android app developers

Boost Your App's Success By Hiring Android App Developers

If the app is scalable and flexible, it increases the chance of success of an app. It is necessary to develop the android app appropriately to include both of these qualities. eBizneeds - is committed to providing the best experience of it. We have an experienced team of Android app developers for hire.

Their proven track record made them the best. Our team has served multiple organizations with their android app development skills.

Developing an innovative and intelligent app is the main speciality that you will enjoy with us. Although there are several services providers available in the market, our mindset makes us different from any other android app development company.

We are experienced in creating highly-engaging apps to meet the user’s expectations. From us, you can hire talented app developers who can help you to meet your business objective via an Android app.


Our Clients

Hire Dedicated Android App Developers for Your Next App

We have a perfect team of android app developers for hire who have extensive experience developing customized solutions for a brand.


eBizneeds’ Prestigious Awards & Certifications


Our Success Stories


The virtual reality firm Rouvr enlisted our assistance in creating an innovative VR platform that enabled real-time user interaction with 3D objects. The app we built for Rouvr was a major factor in the company receiving numerous important collaborations and funding.


Digital Sathi

Our group collaborated with Digital Sathi, a social media marketing business, to design a dashboard for them to use in monitoring important indicators and producing reports for their customers. It allowed them to better serve their customers and streamline their operations.


Marwari Horse Society

Use our mobile app to learn about the rich history of Marwari horses. For the Marwari Horse Society, our team created an interactive platform to exhibit the breed's distinctive qualities, connect breeders, and educate aficionados.



Wetruck, a logistics company, contacted us to create a mobile app to help truck drivers locate and book available cargo. Wetruck was able to streamline and improve upon many of their core operations thanks to the aid of our software.



With Aimeo, an all-in-one platform for employee engagement, transform your workplace. In order to offer customised experiences, surveys, and training programmes for your employees, we developed a mobile app that interfaces with your HR systems.


The Venturis

We worked with The Venturis, a venture capital business, to create a unique CRM system that improved the management of their investment portfolio. The system's sophisticated analytics and reporting features enabled The Venturis to make better investment choices.


Hawk I Track

Our company collaborated with Hawk I Track, a GPS tracking firm, to create a smartphone app that reveals the precise whereabouts of the user's vehicles at any given moment. With the aid of our software, Hawk I Track was able to increase their customer base and provide better service to their existing clientele.


My Pinpad

Protect your transactions with this ground-breaking mobile application that transforms your phone into a secure payment terminal. Our team created a user-friendly interface with market-leading security features that enables retailers to accept payments from any location.



It is a modern recruitment platform intended to cater to the evolving dynamics of the job market. It differentiates by providing a multifaceted match system and considers critical factors like search location, volunteer opportunities, and work availability.


Paddle Tennis

Paddle Tennis are a kind of tennis league intended to be more flexible than traditional tennis leagues. Unlike the traditional leagues, players are commonly assigned to fixed teams and match schedules


Converse Chat

Converse Chat is a social media platform designed to create a secure (end-to-end encrypted) Mobile chat app for SE Asia. It will share the market with the existing available Chat app.


Study Aids

Study Aids created the Whole Gator App to offer an accessible and convenient way for students to connect with resources that helps improve their overall


My Courier Buddy

My Courier Buddy is your trusted partner in transforming eCommerce logistics. We specialize in offering seamless courier services customized for the dynamic world of online businesses. With a commitment to speed, reliability, and cost-effectiveness, we ensure your packages reach their destination safely and on time


Technologies We Leverage

  • Native
  • Cordova/PhoneGap
  • Ionic
  • Android Studio
    Android Studio
  • Google Fit SDK
    Google Fit SDK
  • Google Assistant
    Google Assistant
  • OpenGL
  • ARCore
  • Amazon Web Services
    Amazon Web Services
  • Microsoft Azure
    Microsoft Azure
  • Google VR
    Google VR
  • Firebase

Android App Development Solutions You Can Choose with Us

There is a variety of solutions available with eBizneeds, so you can choose accordingly such as-

Android App Consultation

For developing the correct project, correct consultation is required, and it is not only our belief. We have proved it multiple times. While consulting, our experts will help you to reach the final conclusion that what your specific app will have.

Customized Android Apps

Android gaming apps generate more revenue than other gaming apps. So, if you are looking to earn from a gaming app, then we can create the best one for your business. We have expertise in it.

Game Development

Our contract mobile app developers ensure your app works well on various hardware, software, and screen sizes. We check your app's speed, compatibility, usefulness, UI/UX, and features.

Wearable Android Apps

Wearable Android apps are trending and have an appropriate user base. Most of the wearable apps are used for health and fitness purposes. If you are a healthcare business owner, then it will be the best option for your business.


Why Hire Dedicated Android App Developers From eBizneeds

Affordable Solutions

Affordable Solutions

The business depends on financial management. Especially startups in the initial stage fiddle with funds, so to help these, we used to develop affordable solutions without compromising the quality of development.

Flexible Hiring Model

Flexible Hiring Model

We have developed a flexible hiring model for the ease of our clients. Based on your requirements, we can make available the developers or hire our developers for full-time, part-time, or hourly.

On-time Delivery

On-time Delivery

It is one of the qualities that we deliver the project on or before the time instead of delaying it. We value each portion of time, and our experts utilize each second to develop a fantastic application.

Innovative solutions

Innovative solutions

Due to the shifting requirements of customers, there is a massive demand for innovative solutions, and without any doubt, our developers can craft an innovative app as they have done it earlier as well.

Diversify Experience

Diversify Experience

To date have, we have served multiple industries such as healthcare, education, retail, aviation, hospitality and more. Our diverse experience in serving clients made us an eligible android app development company.

Support & Maintenance

Support & Maintenance

We provide support to our clients in any condition. Suppose if any issue arises while executing the application, you can contact us at any time. Our support & maintenance team will assist you best.

Engagement & Hiring Models

When hiring Android app developers for your project, it is significant to include the highly appropriate engagement and hiring models that must align with your budget and needs. Followings are specific models to follow:

Project Evaluation

Offshore Team

  • Our offshore team model focuses on hiring Android app developers who work remotely, commonly from the service provider's location. This model facilitates flexibility and cost-effectiveness because you can tap into the global talent pool without requiring physical office space. Moreover, online collaboration tools and communication channels can easily handle offsite teams.
Team Selection

Onsite Team

  • The onsite team model considers hiring Android app developers from our office location. This model is feasible when you need direct supervision, close collaboration, and real-time communication with the development team. It permits you greater control over the project and also provides unified coordination with the other departments or team members.
Project Planning

Hybrid Team

  • The hybrid team model integrates the benefits of both the onsite and offshore models. It considers a mix of in-house and remote Android app developers working collaboratively. This model is advantageous when you require a core team to perform closely with you onsite while leveraging offshore developers' scalability and expertise. It provides stability between control and cost-efficiency.
Agile Development

Fixed Price

  • The fixed price model sets an estimated budget and scope related to an Android app development project. You may negotiate the fixed rate with the service providers relying on the project needs, and they complete the work within the set timeframe. This model facilitates predictability in scope, time, and cost. It makes it suitable for specified projects with precise specifications.
Quality Assurance

Dedicated hiring

  • As a leading android app development company, our dedicated hiring model considers hiring Android app developers explicitly dedicated to your projects. You have complete control over the team, and they also work exclusively on your project until the accomplishment of your project needs.
Deployment and Support

Hourly Basis

  • The hourly basis model includes paying Android app developers relied on the number of hours they work on your projects. It provides flexibility concerning project scope and permits changes or additions during the development procedure. This model is adequate for projects with evolving needs or uncertain project timeframes.


Industries We Cover

Subsequent are the industries we have served so far-


Educational apps are trending solutions, and they have been continuous in trend since Covid-19. Most of the students are using these apps for training and education. If you want to teach your students via the best online aid, then we are here to assist you best.

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There is considerable demand for Android healthcare solutions as near around 70% of users are present on this platform. So, if you are a healthcare business owner, then our dedicated Android developers can develop a new age application for you.

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Now ecommerce is not only a trend; it has become a necessity as most people prefer online shopping. If you have a store or a shop or a chain of the shop, we can develop a fantastic app for you.

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More than 95% of mobile users use at-least two entertainment mobile apps. So, if you are planning to launch it, then you can have an excellent app from us. Our developers will assist you in a fine way.

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Choosing the right-technology partner is nothing like a cakewalk, so you must partner with a reliable travel software development service provider with all latest features and functionalities.

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Frequently Asked Questions

The average hourly rate for an Android app developer varies widely based on factors like location, experience, complexity of the project, and specific skills required. On average, rates can range from $20 to $150 per hour.

Hiring an Android app developer offers expertise, efficiency, and a tailored approach. Professionals bring in-depth knowledge of Android's ecosystem, ensuring optimized performance and user experience. They handle complex coding, UI/UX design, testing, and updates, saving you time and ensuring a high-quality app.

The timeline to develop an Android app depends on the app's complexity, features, and the development team's size and experience. Simple apps might take a few weeks, while more intricate ones can take several months. It involves planning, design, development, testing, and launching phases.

To hire top Android app developers, consider these steps:

  • a. Define your project scope and requirements.
  • b. Look for candidates with relevant experience, a strong portfolio, and positive reviews.
  • c. Conduct thorough interviews and technical assessments to evaluate their skills.
  • d. Check their communication and teamwork abilities.
  • e. Ensure they align with your project's vision and values.

Hiring Android app developers provides specialized expertise, saves time and resources, ensures optimal app performance, and facilitates access to the latest technologies and trends. Their skills lead to a polished app that meets user expectations and drives business growth.

Android apps can be profitable if executed well. The success depends on factors like app quality, target audience, monetization strategies (such as ads, in-app purchases, or subscriptions), marketing efforts, competition, and user engagement. With a well-designed app and effective marketing, you can generate revenue and achieve profitability over time.

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